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  • “Бързо трябваше да намерим офис. Опитахме да търсим онлайн. Не се получи. В същото време компанията понасяше значителни загуби от всеки ден, в който софтуерните ни инженери нямаха необходимото адекватно пространство за работа.

    Г-жа Цвяткова и колегите й от Саутпарк успяха бързо да намерят няколко варианта отговарящи на нашето търсене. В замяна на професионалните им услуги успяхме да намерим, изберем и договорим така необходимото ни офис пространство.”


    Радослав Райков

    Управител и собственик на
    📊 consent.io bv, Amsterdam 🇳🇱

  • “I found my current apartment on Citilights with extraordinary help from them and totally satisfied with the choice I made. All I had to do was to tell what I was looking for and I got back property suggestions nearly exact to my imagination. Among those, I finally chose mine now then completed procedure at ease. Highly recommend Citilights for your home search.”


    Dave Softel

    Happy Buyer of June

  • “I found my current apartment on Citilights with extraordinary help from them and totally satisfied with the choice I made. All I had to do was to tell what I was looking for and I got back property suggestions nearly exact to my imagination. Among those, I finally chose mine now then completed procedure at ease. Highly recommend Citilights for your home search.”


    Dave Softel

    Happy Buyer of June

  • “I found my current apartment on Citilights with extraordinary help from them and totally satisfied with the choice I made. All I had to do was to tell what I was looking for and I got back property suggestions nearly exact to my imagination. Among those, I finally chose mine now then completed procedure at ease. Highly recommend Citilights for your home search.”


    Dave Softel

    Happy Buyer of June